U.K. Hospital Group Ramps Up Radiographer Reporting | Aunt Minnie Europe
“Radiographers at the Rotherham National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in South Yorkshire are boosting their reporting service to deal with the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report published on 11 May by the U.K. Society of Radiographers (SOR)…”
Designing a Radiographer Reporting Service to Cope with Pressures of Covid-19 | SoR
“With the onus on efficient reporting of Covid-19 cases, some trusts have delegated all chest reporting to radiologists, despite having established chest reporting radiographers in place…”
They Can See Right Through You | Rotherham Hospital
“Today is World Radiography Day and International Day of Radiology and we’re checking in with one of our brilliant teams to see what makes them tick…”
Radiographer’s charity lectures raise money for SoR Benevolent Fund
“A lesser known fact about the Society of Radiographers is that it runs a Benevolent Fund to help members in times of hardship, including redundancy, unemployment...”
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